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可领养的猪、袖珍宠物 +
Meet Chestnut! He is a the newest baby "Skinny Pig" aka a hairless breed of guinea pig here at ELPO.
He is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
He is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
Meet Muriel! She is a the newest baby "Skinny Pig" aka a hairless breed of guinea pig here at ELPO.
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
Meet Gingersnap! She is a the newest baby "Skinny Pig" aka a hairless breed of guinea pig here at ELPO.
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
Meet Willow! She is a "Skinny Pig" aka a hairless breed of guinea pig.
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
Meet Taffy! She is a "Skinny Pig" aka a hairless breed of guinea pig.
Taffy is a mother to be.
She is ready for a home once her babies arrive.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
Taffy is a mother to be.
She is ready for a home once her babies arrive.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
Snicker Doodle
Meet Snicker Doodle! She is a "Skinny Pig" aka a hairless breed of guinea pig.
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
Meet Tiramisu! She is a "Skinny Pig" aka a hairless breed of guinea pig.
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
She is ready for a home.
Apply to adopt now or come visit her today!
来认识一下 Lady,一只可爱的一到两岁大的雷克斯兔,热切地等待着她的永久家园。Lady 的旅程始于她被一位好心人救出。这只可爱的兔子有一身黑白相间的皮毛,和她的个性一样柔软。
雷克斯兔平均重 7-5 - 10 磅,以性情温和、可爱和母性而闻名。她对周围的环境充满好奇,喜欢被善良的人类温柔地抚摸和拥抱。
Lady 性格平静友好,是一个充满爱心的家庭或个人的绝佳伴侣,可以为她提供一个安全和养育的环境。如果您想为您的生活增添一个愉快的伴侣,请考虑收养 Lady,给她一个她应得的充满爱的家!
雷克斯兔平均重 7-5 - 10 磅,以性情温和、可爱和母性而闻名。她对周围的环境充满好奇,喜欢被善良的人类温柔地抚摸和拥抱。
Lady 性格平静友好,是一个充满爱心的家庭或个人的绝佳伴侣,可以为她提供一个安全和养育的环境。如果您想为您的生活增添一个愉快的伴侣,请考虑收养 Lady,给她一个她应得的充满爱的家!
来见见 Papaya,这只坚韧可爱的小兔子正在寻找一个永久的家!Papaya 才一岁零六个月大,就已经面临逆境,被我们的一位美容师发现遗弃在户外。尽管 Papaya 的起步并不顺利,但她的精神没有被击垮,她已经准备好跳进一个充满爱的家庭的心中。
Papaya 有着令人惊艳的银色外衣和明亮好奇的眼睛,真是令人赏心悦目。她活泼好动,精力充沛,随时准备在房间里嬉戏或玩捉迷藏游戏。Papaya 会爱上任何温柔地抚摸和拥抱她的人,心满意足地融入你的怀抱。
她有一颗金子般的心,渴望找到一个被珍惜和爱护的家。你准备好给 Papaya 她应得的爱和安全感了吗?今天就来见见她,让她无限的快乐永远照亮你的日子!
Papaya 有着令人惊艳的银色外衣和明亮好奇的眼睛,真是令人赏心悦目。她活泼好动,精力充沛,随时准备在房间里嬉戏或玩捉迷藏游戏。Papaya 会爱上任何温柔地抚摸和拥抱她的人,心满意足地融入你的怀抱。
她有一颗金子般的心,渴望找到一个被珍惜和爱护的家。你准备好给 Papaya 她应得的爱和安全感了吗?今天就来见见她,让她无限的快乐永远照亮你的日子!
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