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对于紧急安置需求,我们还提供了一份文件,即“当地救援资源” ,其中提供了其他救援组织的联系信息。 这是一份一般清单,旨在为您提供额外支持。在提供此清单时,我们并不认可或暗示我们对这些组织内部的做法有具体的了解。

如果您要安置的动物是流浪动物,扫描微芯片至关重要。许多城市的法律规定必须为宠物植入微芯片,这有助于走失的宠物与家人团聚。我们的设施每周 7 天开放,从早上 7 点到晚上 9 点,我们很乐意扫描宠物,以帮助您找到它们的主人。

What is the pet's sex?
Is the pet spayed / neutered?
Is the pet curret on vaccines?
Is the pet on heartworm prevention?
Is the pet on flea control?
Is the pet on any other medications?
Has this animal ever shown agressive tendencies (growling, snapping, biting) to anyone?
Is the pet good with (check all that apply)
Upload File
The cost of caring for an orphan is $200 - $400 or more. My pledge to support the care of this pet and others is:
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